1 in 3 employed people already have one leg outside

One in three employed people (34%) say they have been hesitant lately about switching employers. That’s according to Visma | Raet’s HR benchmark. This survey was conducted among 1,154 workers and 445 HR professionals.
Currently, ten percent of employed people are already actively looking for another job and nearly half of employed people (46%) are latent job seekers: they are not actively looking around but are open to an attractive offer.
That so many employed people are open to joining a new employer may be due to the HR focus of organizations. Indeed, this one is emphatically on attracting new talent and onboarding new employees. Of the HR professionals, 40 and 38 percent, respectively, say their organization wants to pay more attention to it this year. Keeping workers in is a lot less high on the agenda. For example, “evaluating whether someone is still well in place” (27 percent), “creating a development plan” (26 percent), “growth in salary or bonus for good performance” (25 percent) and “providing advancement opportunities” (18 percent) receive relatively little attention from HR professionals.
Difficulty engaging employees
Interestingly, administrators and HR professionals do notice the consequences of not shutting the back door. A whopping 64 percent say they are currently struggling to retain employees in the organization. Employees have the same experience: 61 percent see their employer struggling with this.
Myrthe Smalbraak, HR Director at Visma | Raet:
“As an employer today, you have to try harder than you did five years ago to get and keep employees. Regarding the latter, it is important to have a focus on development, (mental) resilience and connection. Provide opportunities for employees to develop so that they remain challenged and motivated.
In addition, it is important to make sure they are comfortable in their own skin. In doing so, pay attention to the strain on colleagues, because with many companies facing understaffing, more will necessarily fall on the shoulders of current employees. Support them in this with coaching, for example.
And as for connection, if you really invest in the work culture and in fun activities with each other, talent is likely to stay with you a lot longer. It may seem like an open door, but it is still too often forgotten.”